Tuesday 24 June 2014

M G Log

A daily log of my motion graphic project.

Week 1-2

We had our first meeting on our project and used this time to create an idea. We had to come up with our own individual idea and then discuss which is favored the most. We decided to combine a few ideas to create our final. I then created the title for our piece called “Talents”.
After getting the brief we then had to begin research for our project by using the internet to search for current adverts/show opening credits. After our research we decided on which media techniques to use in our project. 

Week 2-3 

We gathered to start to create our storyboard, we used a storyboard template to start sketching out our ideas. Me and Sarah began feeding ideas to Kiah while taking notes as Kiah began to draw the initial storyboard. 

Week 3-4

 This week held a massive change for us in the project as Sarah decided to leave and conduct her own project and we were joined by Adam instead. After this, we decided to make new storyboards to feature Adam which i created.


Week 4-5

We discussed techniques we were going to use when filming and editing. These included rotoscoping, stop-motion animation, music, animation and typography. We planned what our first footage would be and when we would film it. We also had to book our equipment from SiSo for when we were going to film. This included a large video camera and a tripod.
Week 5-6

We did the majority of our filming on these weeks, mostly of Kiah and Adam to be used in our stop motion rotoscoping and my short clip of animation.

Week 6-7

I started on the drawings for the stop-motion running girl, using 15 frames to loop in the film.


This is the scene selection for our interactive web animation which lets the viewer chose which scene they want to watch.

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